In order to provide better security, I’ve switched both my blogs over to secure sockets layer encryption. That means, that if you type http://{either site name}, your request will automagically be redirected to https://{either site name}. You will see a reassuring icon in your browser’s URL bar. In Firefox, it’s a green padlock.
and in Chrome it’s a similar padlock and the word “Secure”).
If you have an account on this site, when you log in, Google will no longer ask you scary questions about whether you really want to do this.
And that’s about all the difference you should see. If you are not redirected to the https:// version, you can type that into your browser’s URL bar. It seems like the redirection is not 100%, but the site should work the same way in either case. I am hesitant about implementing stronger redirection at this time.
Let me know if there are any problems.
Thanks for your patience.
As often happens, switching to SSL has caused a cascade of changes to my websites. More on that soon.
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