Overnight, the southern part of the fire moved eastward a bit, The formerly isolated hotspot south of White Rock is expanding. There is a new one south of that. There is still activity near Rancho San Carlos Road.
Dark red spots are less than six hours old. Lighter red less than 12 hours. Orange spots less than 24 hours. Yellow spots show fire activity for the last six days. The squares represent the nominal region of uncertainty of the hotspot location. I have seen errors greater than the nominal, though.
There is no new radiant energy data from MODIS this morning, but I was able to get VIIRS data:
It appears to show that the new fires are of relatively low intensity, but shows recent high-intensity activity in the southeast part of the fire. It’s hard to tell because the sample points are different.
Here’s the VIIRS data shown by age:
The VIIRS data makes the southern advances towards the east appear worse than the MODIS data. It also shows westward activity in the southern part of the fire inside the fire perimeter; activity that was obscured to some extent by old data points in the MODIS data set.
Back to MODIS, here’s a closer look at White Rock, from the south looking north.
Here’s a look at Rancho San Carlos, looking south. I am now reading that it is likely that the recent activity that we’re seeing here is the result of a Cal Fire intentional burn intended to deprive the advancing fire of fuel.
Great data, thank you.