Yesterday, the Epson tech support folks said they were going to send me a shipping label by overnight service. The overnight delivery time came and went, so I decided to take matters into my own hands. I copied all of the information off the shipping label that came with replacement printer number four, and put the facsimile of on the box that came with replacement printer number three, which now contained replacement printer number two, except that I changed the order numbers appropriately.
Then I called Pilot and scheduled a pickup for both printers. Pilot can’t come until Friday, but promised that the printers would be in Indianapolis by a week from today.
Dealing with Epson tech support has been moderately difficult. I don’t blame the technicians; with a few exceptions, they have been friendly and have tried to deal with the situation as best they could. Rather, I think the problem is twofold: a system that relies on swapping out entire printers regardless of their weight and size, and a management system that doesn’t allow the technicians to make some of the decisions that they need to be able to make to satisfy the customer.
It seems like the Epson techs are working from scripts, and they don’t have much leeway to deviate from them. I’ve had the Epson folks tell me several times that what I wanted was impossible, but patience and escalation usually produced the “impossible” result.
I would like to give Epson tech support proper recognition for having short hold times and service people who speak and understand American English perfectly. In that department, they are head and shoulders above many tech support operations.
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