We’ve had a little thread drift. Rather than dealing with the issues involved in networking the new MacBook Pro, I’ve moved on to the problems of cleaning up the damage the Mac did when I joined it to the domain.
There’s a new server on order. The damaged domain controlled, which was also a domain name server, is powered down. The DHCP server has new scope options so that it no longer passes out the address of the old domain controller as a DNS.
Things are still breaking, though.
One of the latest things was my SunPower photovoltaic solar array. I went to the web page a couple of days ago and saw this:
Power cycling the gateway fixed it. Why was it broken in the first place? The DHCP server had been previously passing out the IP addresses of both DNS servers, so the gateway had one good address. I think it was because the good address was the second one on the list, and the gateway didn’t try any address but the first.
As more and more IP-connected devices appear in our homes, we’ll see this kind of thing a lot.
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