Some better news today from the Monterey County Department of Public Health. 22 new cases, down from the numbers we have been seeing, in spite of testing being up.
It’s too soon to tell if this is a blip or a trend.
Three of the last four days have had historically high testing rates:
The simultaneous occurrence of more testing and fewer cases is driving the positivity rate down:
Statewide, the number of cases threatens to break out of its linear growth:
But the number of deaths per day is not rising:
The number of current hospitalizations remains flat.
With more testing, we are getting somewhat fewer hospitalizations for which Covd-19 is suspected, and more where it has been confirmed.
The CDPH’s goal for testing has been over 60,000 per day. We have been there for the past week:
Nationally, cases are rising again:
But deaths continue to fall slowly:
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