It’s been almost 24 hours, and I haven’t heard anything from Synology’s support team. I thought I’d try some things on my own.
Maybe one of the packages is keeping the system from expanding. I shut down the media server:
Then I shut down the time backup service:
I tried to power down. The system wasn’t having any of it. Then the control panel went blank:
The storage manager too:
I closed that tab, went to another machine, and logged in successfully. I enabled telnet on the Synology file server:
Then I logged in over telnet and tried to shut the system down. It seemed like it worked:
The web server in the NAS box dropped the connection:
I went to the server room to restart the Synology box. It was still running. I tried a soft power down. Nada. I did a hard power down, waited a few seconds, and powered back up. After what seemed like an eternity of watching the blinking blue power light, it finally wnt on solid.
I went upstairs and logged on to the NAS. No problem. It said it was happy. I tried to read and write some files. That worked, too.
I opened the storage manager, and it was taunting me about the upgrade:
I’ve learned my lesson. I’m not trying to expand this volume until I get more confidence that it will work.
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