Strike one
A couple of weeks ago I swapped out the disk pack on my USB-connected Drobo. The new pack had last been written before I got my Dell T7500 workstation, and thus had none of the image files from that computer. I created a directory, and told it to back up all of the T7500 image files on the server. After five days, I checked back to see how it was doing. This is what I saw:
This is not acceptable performance. There are about two and half terabytes of images on the workstation, and it looks like I’m getting transfer rates of less than 5 Mb/s. The USB 2.0 channel is capable of about more than 200Mb/s, and in the past I’ve seen this very Drobo achieve nearly the USB rate.
Strike two
About a week later a disk drive failed on that Drobo. I loaded a new one, waited 36 hours, and checked in to see how the rebuild was coming. This is what I saw.
After two more days, it looks like this:
So the Drobo isn’t even keeping up with its dismal estimates. This is not acceptable rebuild performance.
In light of my previous experience with the Drobos, these two events should probably be considered strikes three and four. Anyway, I’m done. I’ve ordered two new Synology boxes, and I’ll be swapping out all of my Drobos.
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