The Creative Cloud has been all over the news all week. I’ve refrained from saying anything because everything I might say has been said by others, in many cases more eloquently than I could manage.
Here’s a thought I haven’t seen yet. Suppose you have an imminent deadline, and you bring up some CC app to apply the final touches. What if you saw something like the following (Seen by me today when trying to check my e-mail with Microsoft Office 365):
Your customer is waiting. How do you feel now?
Let’s hope Adobe is better then Microsoft in avoiding these outages.
That was one of my concerns as well, expressed here:
From that post: “Let’s say one doesn’t have an internet connection in order to ‘phone home’, or worse, let’s say that Adobe’s servers are down or that there’s a software glitch that decides, for whatever reason (including someone who hacks into Adobe and trips the wrong switch) that the software on a given computer is not valid. The user is then locked out of his or her own software and all of the files associated with it. It seems highly unlikely that in say a year or two that a standalone CS6 licensed product will even be able to open a CC file. Couldn’t happen? For at least one user it already has. Because of his contract he was stuck continuing to pay for software he couldn’t access while he tried (mostly unsuccessfully) to find someone at Adobe to sort it out. He eventually did. This is like being locked out of your car and the auto club deciding that they’re not going to let you back in.”