I was watching The Good Wife on Amazon with an Amazon Fire the other night. The movie paused, rebuffered, and started again. Then it stopped. After a few seconds, the Fire box put up a message saying my Internet connection was lost and that I should fix it.
I went to a computer and fired up a web browser. It worked fine.
I changed the input on the video preamp to the Roku box and looked at a Netflix movie. It worked fine.
I swapped the Fire and the Roku boxes connections to the Ethernet switch. The Roku worked. The Fire said I should hurry up and fix my Internet connection.
I think the problem was with the Amazon servers. And not all of them, since Netfliz worked, and they use Amazon. For some reason, the Fire box either couldn’t figure that out, or didn’t want to admit it.
The next day, everything worked fine.
The next day, everything worked fine.
Wish that happened more often!!