I powered up the 4900 to print some of the Canada pictures. It had been about six weeks since I’d used it, which is pushing it with the 4900; it likes to be used a lot.
I had last printed on roll media, and it was demanding that I load some. I didn’t want to; I just wanted to switch it to cut sheet. I couldn’t figure out any way to do that. The printer looked like it was going to respond to the button that makes the switch a few times, but it never did. After five minutes I gave up, got some roll paper, loaded it, and switched to cut sheet paper. Then I swore at the printer for putting me through all that.
It’s probably not good to make the printer mad. The first nozzle check was totally blank. I did a driver-driven cleaning. The second nozzle check showed all but Cyan and Vivid Magenta looking good. It’s not a good idea to do too many cleanings in a row, so I printed a sacrificial image. Then I did another nozzle check. I had most, but not all of the C/VM lines.
I executed a “powerful” cleaning cycle on just the C and VM nozzles from the front panel.
That did it.
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