Here's a different way to look at the fire with MODIS data. Instead of just having a binary indication of fire or no fire at a certain location, this Fire Radiative Power (FRP) plot uses colors from violet (weakest) to red (strongest) to categorize the signals it's … [Read more...]
Archives for July 27, 2016
Soberanes Fire MODIS data — 1300 7/27
We had a MODIS update around noon, and the only new hot spot outside the old fire perimeter is in the southern part of the fire. Dark red spots are less than six hours old. Lighter red less than 12 hours. Orange spots less than 24 hours. Yellow spots show fire activity for the … [Read more...]
Soberanes Fire MODIS data — 0600 7/27
Six am report. The news is not good. Overnight, the fire made widespread advances eastward. Buildings in Rancho San Carlos are threatened in several places, as is White Rock, though from a greater distance. There is also a hot spot near the coast, where activity has been low … [Read more...]