I upgraded my display to an NEC PA322UHD 4K one. AutoPano Giga 4.0 became painfully slow, especially the editing window. I downsized the window and that helped, but not much. Then, to get 60Hz refresh on my new monitor, I upgraded the graphics adapter from an AMD V4900 to an AMD W5000. Windows picked an old driver, but I went to the AMD website and got the latest one. Then I tried to stitch again. What a difference! It’s now much faster than it was before going to the 4K display. This is not a high end GPU, but it sure makes a difference!
The actual rendering doesn’t run any faster than it did, though.
Word to the wise: the default memory setting for AutoPano uses all the RAM it can. Windows doesn’t deal with that well.
Configuration: Win 7 x64, 2x Hexcore Xeons, 256GB RAM, 192 GB used by OS, 128 GB used by AutoPano.
I recently upgraded my older AMD Radeon 6770 to a less-than-latest-greatest NVidia 750 (on NewEgg shell-shocker).
Lightroom and Photoshop didn’t recognize the older Radeon, but they do recognize the NVidia.
I use PTGui for panos. I haven’t yet upgraded to the latest ver 10, which apparently can use CUDA cores to speed up processing.
BTW: I’ve got 24GB dram and a 1TB Samsung EVO 840. I’m envious of your rig with 256 GB. PTGui can bring a large pano to a crawl. I’ve been tempted to re-evaluate AutoPano